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Achebe, Chinua - Things fall apart. 1958, Nigeria
Alexie, Sherman - The absolutely true of a part time Indian. 2007, USA
Alleg, Henry & Jean Paul Sartre - Tortyren. 1958, Algeriet - Frankrike
Alsanea Rajaa - Girls of Riyadh. 2005, Saud Arabien,
Alvarez, Julia - How the Garcia girls lost their accents. 1991, Domenikanska Republiken
Anaxagorias - 500 bc, Grekland
Anaya, Rudolfo - Bless me, ultima. 1994, Mexiko
Angelou, Maya - I know why the caged bird sings. 1969, USA
Arendt, Hannah - Eichman and the holocaust. 1963, Israel
Argueta, Mamlio - Day of life. 1980, El Salvador
Aristophanes - Lysistrata. 411 bc, Grekland
Armah, Ayi Kwei - De ännu inte födda. 1986, Ghana,
Asturias, Miguel Angel - El senor president. 1946, Guatemala
Atwood, Margaret - The handmades tail. 1986, Kanada
Auel, Jean - The clan of the cave bear. 1980, USA
Bannerman, Helen - Little black sambo. 1996, Skottland
Baudelaire, Charles - The flowers of evil. 1857, Frankrike
Bayrakdar, Faraj - Brev från isoleringscell 13. 1975, Syrien
Blume, Judy - Forever, 1975. USA
Boccaccio, Giovanni - Dacameron. 1353, Italien
Boff, Leonardo - Charism and power: liberation theology and institutional church. 1981, Brasilien
Bradbury, Ray - Fahrenheit 451. 1953, USA
Brown, Dan - The da Vinci code. 2003, USA
Bruno, Giordano - On the infinite universe and worlds. 1584, Italien
Carroll, Lewis - Alice i underlandet. 1865, England
Casellio, Sebastian - Concerning heretics. 1554, Frankrike
Cervantes, Miguel de - Don Quijote. 1605, Spanien
Chauser, Geoffrey - The Canterbury tales. 1387, England
Chbosky, Stephen - The perks of being a wall flower. 1999, USA
Chamupati, Pundit - Rangeela Rasul. 1927, Pakistan
Chan, Jung - Wild swans. 1991, Kina
Cleland, John - Fanny hill, or memoirs of a woman of pleasure. 1748, England
Collier, James and Christopher - My brother Sam is dead. 1974, USA
Collins, Suzanne - The Hunger Games. 2008-10, USA
Confusius - The analects. 500 bc, Kina
Congwen, Shen - Recollection of a west human. 1982, Kina
Cormier, Robert - I am the cheese. 1977, USA
Darwin, Charles - On the origin of species. 1859, England
Dahl, Roald - The witches. 1983, England
Defoe, Daniel - Moll Flanders. 1721, England
Dickens, Charles - Oliver Twist. 1838, England
Diljas, Milovan - Den nya klassen. 1957, Jugoslavien
Dubner, Stephen J. and Levitt, Steven D. - Freakonomics. 2005, USA
Erdogan, Asli - Stenbyggnaden. 2009, Turkiet
Ellis, Bret Easton - American psycho. 1991, USA
Faulkner, William - Sanctuary. 1931, USA
Fitzgerald, F. Scott - The great Gatsby. 1925, USA
Flaubert, Gustave - Madame Bovary. 1857, Frankrike
Fossey, Dian - Gorillas in the mist. 1983, USA
Frank, Anne - The diary of a young girl. 1947, Tyskland
Franklin Benjamin - The autobiography of B. F. 1791, USA
Galilei, Galileo - Dialogue concerning the two chief world systems. 1632, Italien
Golding, William - Lord of the flies. 1954, England
Gordimer, Nadine - Burger’s daughter. 1979, Sydafrika
Grossman, Vasilij - Liv och öde. 1958, Ukraina
Guterson, David - Snow falling of cedars. 1994, USA
Hardy, Thomas - Tess of the D’urbervilles. 1891, England
Head, Bessie - A woman alone. 1980, Botswana
Heller, Joseph - Catch 22. 1961, USA
Hemingway, Earnest - A farwell to arms. 1929, USA
Hitler, Adolf - Mein kampf. 1925, Österrike
Homeros - Odyssen. 700 bc, Grekland
Hongzhi, Li - Zuan Falun: The complete teaching of falun gong. 1994, Kina
Hosseini, Khaled - The kite runner. 2003, Afghanistan
Huong, Duong Thu - Novel without a name. 1995, Vietnam
Hurtson, Zora Neale - Their eyes were watching god. 1937, USA
Huxley, Aldous - Brave new world. 1932, England
Irshad, Manji - The trouble with islam today. 2005, Malaysia
Ismailov, Hamid - The Railway. 1997, Uzbekistan
Jones, Sherry - The jewel of Medina. 2008, USA
Joyce, James - Ulysses. 1918, Irland
Kadare, Ismael - Den döda armens general. 1963, Albanien
Kant, Ismmanuel - Critique of pure reason. 1781, Tyskland
Kazantzakis, Nikos - The last temptation of Christ. 1953, Grekland
Kesey, Ken - One flew over the cuckoo’s nest. 1962, USA
Keyes, Daniel - Flowers of Algernon. 1966, USA
Klausen, Jytte - The cartoons that shook the world. 2009, Danmark
Knowles, John - A separate peace. 1960, USA
Kung, Hans - Infallible? An unresolved. 1970, Schweiz
Laine, James W - Shivaji: hindu king in Islamic india. 2003, USA
Lawrence, D.H. - Lady Chatterley’s lover. 1928, England
Lee, Harper - To kill a mockingbird. 1960, USA
Lenin, N - Revolutionen och staten. 1918, USSR
Linna, Väinö - Okänd soldat. 1954, Finland
London, Jack - Skriet från vildmarken. 1903. USA
Luther, Martin - Ninety-five theses, 1517, Tyskland
Machiavelli, Niccolo’ - Il principe. 1532, Italien
MacKinlay, Kantor - Andersonville. 1955, USA
Mahfouz, Naguib - Children of the alley. 1959, Egypten
Mahmoddy, Betty - Not without my dauther. 1986, USA
Mailer, Norman - De nakna och de döda. 1948, USA
Malcolm X - The autobiography of Malcolm X. 1965, USA
Manji, Irshad - Allah, frihet och kärlek. 2008, Malaysia
Matthiessen, Peter - In the spirit of crazy horse. 1983, USA
Marx, Karl and Engels, Friedrich - The manifesto of the communist party. 1848, Tyskland
Marques, Gabriel, Garzia - Hundra år av ensamhet. 1967, Colombia
Meyer, Stephenie - Twilight series. 2005, USA
Miller, Henry - Stenbockens vändkrets. 1939, USA
Milton, John - Areopagitica. 1644, England
Moberg, Vilhelm - Rid inatt. 1941, Sverige
Montaigne, Michel de - Essay. 1580, Frankrike
Moore, Thomas - Utopia. 1516, England
Morrison, Toni - Beloved. 1987, USA
Muller, Herta - The appointment. 1997, Rumänien
Mykle, Agmar - Sången om den röda Ruby. 1956, Norge
Nabokov, Vladimir - Lolita. 1955, USA
Nasrin, Taslima - Lajja (shame). 1993, Bangladesh
Newman, Leslea - Heater has two mommies. 1989, Sydafrika
Njegos, Peter ll Petrovic - The mountain wreath. 1846, Serbien
Ngugi, Wa Thiongo - I will marry when I want. 1980, Kenya
O’Brien, Tim - The things they carried. 1990, USA
Orwell, George - 1984. 1949, England - Indien
Ovidius - Konsten att älska. 8, Grekland
Paine, Thomas - The age of reason. 1794, USA
Pamuk, Orhan - Snow. 2002, Turkiet
Parsipur, Shahrnush - Women without men: a novel of modern Iran. 1989, Iran
Pascal, Blaise - Tanka. 1670, Frankrike
Pasternak, Boris - Doctor Zhivago. 1957, USSR
Perrault, Gilles - Notre ami le roi. 1993, Marocko
Plath, Sylvia - The bell jar. 1963, USA
Platon - Sokrates Försvarstal. 399 bc, Grekland
Protagoras – Dialog med Platon. 450 bc, Grekland
Puig, Manuel - Kiss of the spider woman. 1976, Argentina
Pullman, Philip - His dark materials trilogy, book 1: the golden compass. 1995, England
Remarque, Erich Maria - All quiet on the Western front. 1928, Tyskland
Rizal, José - El Filibusterism. 1891, Filpinerna
Rowling, J.K. - Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone. 1997, USA
Rousseau, Jean Jaques - Confessions. 1762, Frankrike
Rodriguez, Luis T - Always running-la vida loca: gang days in L.A. 1993, Mexiko
Rushdie, Salman - The satanic verses. 1988, Iran
Saadawi, El Nawal - The hidden face of eve: women in the arab world. 1977, Egypten
Sade, Markis de - De 120 dagarna i Sodom och Gomorra. 1906, Frankrike
Salih, Tayeb - Utvandringens tid. Sudan 1966
Salinger, J.D. - The catcher in the rye. 1951, USA
Sappho. 600 bc, Grekland
Servetus, Michael - Christianity restored. 1552, Spanien
Sewell, Anna - Black beauty. 1877, Sydafrika
Shaffer, Anthony - Operation dark heart. 2010, USA
Shakespeare, William - King Lear. 1605, England
Shelley, Mary - Frankenstein. 1831, England
Sinclair, Upton - The Jungle. 1906, USA
Smith, Adam - Wealth of nations. 1776, England
Solzenitsyn, Aleksander - The Gulag archipelago. 1973, USSR
Soyinka, Wole - Mannen dog. 1972, Nigeria
Spinoza, Baruch - Etik. 1677, Nederländerna
Steinbeck, John - The grapes of wrath. 1939, USA
Stowe, Harriet Beecher - Uncle Tom's cabin. 1852, USA
Styron, William - Sophie's choice. 1979, USA
Swedenborg, Emanuel - The delight of wisdom concerning conjugial. 1768, Sverige
Thoreau, Henry David - Civil disobedience. 1849, USA
Toer, Pramoedya Ananta - The fugitive (perburuan). 1950, Indonesien
Trumbo, Dalton - Johnny got his gun. 1939, USA
Twain, Mark - The adventures of Tom Sawyer. 1876, USA
Updike, John - Rabbit, run. 1960, USA
Voltaire - Candide. 1759, Frankrike
Walker, Alice - The color purple. 1982, USA
Welsapar, Ak - Kobra. 2009, Turkmenistan
Whitman, Walt - Leaves of grass. 1855, USA
Wolff, Tobias - This boy's life. 1989, USA
Wright, Peter - Spycatcher. 1987, England
Wright, Richard - Black boy. 1945, USA
Xingjian, Gao - Bus stop (chezhan). 1983, Kina
Yiwu, Liao - The corpse walker: real life stories, China from the bottom. 2008, Kina
Ziegesar, Cecily von - Gossip girl series. 2002, USA
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The Bible. GT 300 bc
The Koran. 600 ac
The Bible. NT 100 ac
The Talmud. 300 bc, Israel - Babylon
The epic of Gilgamesh. 2000 bc, Mesopotanien - Irak
Tusen och en natt. 900 ac, Persien